7. The world of Earth

Our first impression of Earth is associated with nature and flora: the smell of soil after the rain, the emerald glow of leaves and grass in the rays of sunlight, the spicy ambiance of forest and mushrooms, and the waves of wind in fields of grass. While all of this is true, it is already many steps ahead of the pure earth we are now discussing.

We need the basics: rocks and stones, sand and clay. Step back from the kingdom of life down to the kingdom of minerals.

Your legs and the lower part of your body are connected with Earth. The best ways to communicate with Earth are to walk, sit, or lie on it. Caves, stones — whatever it may be — touch it.

The Time

See rocky mountain slopes, see dunes waiting patiently for nothing. Earth is condensed time you can touch and smell. Each stone you pick from the ground contains millions of years.

The way Earth affects time is correlated to its mass. From pure physics, from a general relativity perspective, we know time literally slows down in proximity to mass.

In mountains or the presence of massive structures, like huge buildings or megaliths, time speed is also slightly slowed down. This difference is vanishingly small and very difficult to measure directly, but it accumulates over time. The longer some massive object stays, the more difference is accumulated in and around it.

What is even more interesting: the larger and more massive a structure is, the more likely it is here to stay in the future.

For example, the Pyramids were built about 4,500 years ago, and it's safe to presume they will stay for several more thousands of years.

Another interesting effect of time dilation by mass is our Earth's core, which, due to slower time speed in the center compared to the surface, is literally younger by a few million years than Earth's crust.

Even if this time difference is subtle, it has accumulated since Earth's birth more than 4 billion years ago.

Magma is subject to the same time dilation effect as well, making it "younger" than surface Earth. So when it erupts to the surface, it's literally like a time traveler arriving to us from the past.

The Memory

When we were talking about Fire, we found that Fire has a vibration.

Minerals, when they cool down and solidify, capture a piece of the earlier stage of the universe, creating a contrast with the current flow of time. This occurs not only due to the mass/time effect but also because of their specific internal structure. This makes minerals a source of a specific space-time pattern, which exceeds the minerals themselves and extends over an area around them as a vibration with characteristics specific to the type of mineral and the environment/epoch it was formed.

Runic Alchemy - Earth vibration

In "The Basics" chapter, we practiced "Feeling through Association." It also works great with minerals and rocks.

You can tune into a chosen mineral like a tuning fork and produce the same vibration with your entire self. This helps preserve your most rare and valuable resource — attention because holding yourself on the same frequency for an extended period is the most expensive part of the total effort.

The mineral provides you the "lead vibration" for free and for an unlimited time, so you can spend most of your energy on amplifying it and achieving much higher intensity instead of paying a significant portion of attention just to hold the right tone.


Massive structures, which are likely to remain in place for a long time without change, cast a shadow into the future, causing turbulence in the flow of events around them, similar to how a rock standing in a river causes water to swirl and bubble around it.

This is why mountains, megaliths, and huge historical buildings are great places to affect the normal flow of events — the flow is already disturbed here, and even subtle influence may cause significant consequences, amplifying the butterfly effect.

This effect is even stronger in locations with lineated rock outcrops. If the rock has a specific vector in its structure, it is beneficial to sync yourself with this stream beaming to the sky.

You become like a fire hose nozzle, where the main force is not yours but comes from beneath, and you apply your own forces only to direct it.

The Matter

Earth energy is directly connected to our world made of Matter, including solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and whatever states of particles or their parts plus electromagnetic fields, dark matter, dark energy, and whatever is not yet discovered. As already discussed, we use the physical experience of our world as a metaphor to describe something outside.

The Earth emerged from the Fire, which is still around but hidden behind time. All this material stuff, including material water and material air, is "materialized" Earth.

I don't know for sure about animals, plants, or bacteria, but all humans do carry a seed of a higher state of Earth within, which we call "Crystal" in this book.

It is not a mineral crystal made of atoms. It is made of Earth and is also connected to the world of Fire from the "back" side. This is why we can feel Fire and can access it.

Material crystals are interesting and useful objects and great metaphor, but don't fool yourself by thinking of Philosopher's Stone as actually material crystal, it's not.

Big and clear enough Crystal allows a direct transition in and out between material world and out of time realm where Stone is happening, and the world of Earth is a key.

Crystal is our window to the world of Fire, but we have only a tiny grain of it. It conducts only a little bit of Light, like a spark in complete darkness, which people usually can't see because it is so small.

It is rather a premonition of the Dawn, a feeling of missing something important, a memory about something that is yet to happen.
