4. The World of Fire
We briefly discussed the world of Fire in the previous chapter; now let's dive deeper into this topic.
It's a common bias to view something below and full of fire as evil, dangerous, or hostile, like demons, hell, etc.
But I want you to accept the fire, to love its power as an integral half of your fundamental dualistic nature.
Remember, we are practicing alchemy here, and only fire can melt, transform, purify, and enlighten.
In Norse tradition, there is no Hell in the Christian meaning. There is "Hel" where dead travel, but it has nothing similar to Muspelheim, the world of Fire, which humans can't enter, even dead.
The Fire does not hurt a person; it cleanses them. Pain is caused by separating and burning husks if they stick tightly to a person. For a fairly pure person, fire is the force flowing through them, in every action, movement, or rest.
Red power rises from below, emanating from the hands, warming from the chest with sunlight and protecting from the back.
We will learn later how the Light, the spirit of the Fire, is filtered and ascended during creation and how Light becomes Love.
Vibration is one of the most significant signatures of the Fire.
- Stand up now, close your eyes, and feel your soles.
- You are standing on a transparent floor.
- It's a vast ocean of Fire beneath.
- You are protected by this floor, which is made of the strongest crystal, so you will not sink into this fire or be hurt.
- But at your own will, you can ask Fire to raise to you.
- Glue your soles to the floor, stay strong, and feel your feet - there's a hot vibration there.
- Feel the warmth and vibration rising from beneath to your feet and slowly to your knees.
- Breathe in slowly, breathe with your belly, not your lungs.
- Do you feel a sweet tension in your belly and tailbone already?
This sweet tension is also a vibration but at a slightly higher rate; it appears as a resonance in response to the vibration of the Fire. This tension is a sign of your will activation.
It's not so sweet for someone who usually feels their will activated only in dangerous and stressful situations. But don't blame your will for causing fear and stress; it doesn't.
It's quite the opposite. Your will is activated automatically to save your life.
The same is true for the Fire, the energy your will uses to work so well. It's not Fire that is dangerous; it's Fire that covers your back when you are in danger.
But now, I hope, you're in a safe place; no predator will jump on you from the nearest bush, so you can relax and let Fire flow upward to you with appreciation.
It's now time to use your hands.
Handling Fire
- Activate your right palm energy center if it hasn't activated itself already.
- Invite a stream of fire, a smaller fountain of fire, or a precious glowing ball of fire to be in your hand.
- It's a gesture. Don't be shy about looking a bit theatrical.
- When you stand strong, with both of your feet connected to the world of Fire and holding a handful of its power, the warmth of honor grows from your belly to your solar plexus from the front side and along the backbone from the back side.
- Imagine our proto-human ancestor, who managed to proudly stay bipedal instead of on all four paws - it's quite an achievement, isn't it?
- Imagine a knight who stands strong, facing dangers threatening his people behind him - this fire sword is what you hold in your hand now.
- Imagine an archangel's wings unfolding from behind or is it a cobra's hood?
- This sword of fire is always there when you need it; it's an infinite stream of fire rising from the underworld to the skies, and you can hold it and keep yourself vertical by holding this stream.
You may now feel the warmth that has reached your chest, a warmth of gratitude.
Notice how the frequency of Fire vibration increases when the fire rises higher. But the essence of the fire remains the same.
Expressing Fire
We already went too far ahead of the story, and I accidentally revealed the secret that you already have all the parts and qualities of your philosopher's stone. Still, you need to learn to perform the alchemical process to obtain them.
Anyway, as soon as we went so high, let's also feel how aspects of the fire could flow out of your throat and mouth when you need to make a fiery speech, and what role it could play in perception and thought.
Fire is everywhere in our lives, and it's so good.
We need to develop a skill to raise or tune into this stream of fire easily and hold it for an extended period without paying too much attention to sustaining this stream actively.
Take your time to get yourself familiar with it. Communicate with it, ask the Fire to go with you wherever you go. Go for a walk and hold the fire in your hand by the way. Raise it during the day. Whatever you are currently doing - it's easy to spend a few seconds tuning into the ocean of Fire, feel the vibration in your feet, legs, tailbone, and belly, and activate the center of your right palm to hold a stream for a while.
It makes so much more sense of life, of any ordinary things or events, which you now can meet with a subtle smile on your face, a smile that everyone has when sitting against a fireplace at night and warming their hands.
Black Fire
The theme of control and social context now brings us to the topic of Black Fire.
For those in the audience who still struggle to access and channel the Fire, it might be the same case I had when I first started approaching it.
Fire brings social and hierarchical risks, that's why it's often the subject of overregulation during socialization.
Your fire aspect may be repressed deep into the unconscious. Still, it's accessible but it's probably associated with some strong, not necessarily pleasant, emotions. Seek to face, allow, and accept associated blocking feelings and emotions such as shame, self-doubt, fear of being rejected, etc. At some point, your fire will burn its way out of the chains and start burning "normally". We will get back to a similar topic when we talk about Air.
What Fire Gives
Fire integrated into the system of the practitioner supports a stable high level of consciousness and will and enables the ability to act. You can do things, in daily life, in social interactions, in magic - you are empowered to express and project your will efficiently and tangibly.
Fire is closely connected with life, it supports physiology and boosts metabolism giving higher tonus during the day. The way to quickly recharge yourself if tired.
People react positively to the presence of Fire within you, they like you more and it helps in the social context. They feel better because you work like a radio station emitting the example of well-being, so they unconsciously use you like a tuning fork and recharge themselves with Fire as well. It's a win-win, you lose nothing just provide an example to tune into, they like it and feel unconscious gratitude.
Fire protects you. It feels like you are always dressed in the fire cloak, or maybe it's like you have fire wings covering your back and you can unfold them if needed. It gives you a constant feeling of confidence, safety, and power and makes you calm and kind. As a result, you make wiser decisions not driven by fear, but by purpose. And you act efficiently because you are covered and aren't afraid to make a mistake. Confidence gives precision. Prosperity leads to generosity.
Fire works as a reliable entry point to the state of the true underlying reality. When Fire is your friend - you can always touch it with your hand, scoop up a handful, and shift to the working magic state.